How expensive is Bulgaria?

Traveling in Bulgaria is budget-friendly, compared to other European countries. See for yourself!

  • Meal at an average restaurant, per person: 5€
  • Meal at McDonald’s per person: 4€
  • Domestic Beer (0.5 liters): 1€
  • Imported Beer (0.5 liters): 1.5€
  • One-way ticket at the public bus: 0.5€
  • Ticket to a local concert: 10€
  • Rent a car for 1 day: around 35€
  • Accommodation at а 3-star hotel for 1 night: around 38€
Grocery shopping
  • White cheese: 3.1 – 5.70€ per kg
  • Yogurt: 1.5€ per kg
  • Milk: 0.80€ per liter      
  • Ice Cream: 0.50 – 2.70€ a piece      
  • Apples: 0.88€ per kg